Before & After: ‘New’ baseball site a big hit
Let”s take a look back at how Golden Valley Little League transformed its website to win over parents in 2017.
Golden Valley Little League, a youth baseball league based in the western Minneapolis suburb, embarked on a journey to revamp its online presence. The league, consisting of approximately 200 players across 20 teams, grappled with a non-responsive website layout that proved cumbersome and unintuitive on mobile devices. The site’s cluttered navigation hierarchy further exacerbated the user experience challenges.
In the spring of 2017, Golden Valley Little League set out to address these shortcomings and enhance the website’s functionality and visual appeal. The primary goal was to switch to a Sitebuilder template offering a mobile-optimized design, allowing parents and visitors to navigate and engage with the league’s online resources easily. Additionally, there was a desire to refresh the homepage’s background design, which had remained unchanged for several years.
Enter The Webmaster:
Adam Kristal, the league’s dedicated webmaster, played a pivotal role in driving the transformation. As part of his work for a marketing company, he had been advocating for customers to migrate their websites to mobile-responsive templates with great success. Recognizing the need for a similar upgrade for Golden Valley Little League, a longstanding SportsEngine client, Adam took it upon himself to initiate the change. With a touch of humor, he confessed, “I got really sick and tired of seeing the same (homepage) images I’ve seen for five years.”
Transformation in Action:
Adam’s efforts to transition the league’s website to a mobile-responsive template were met with enthusiasm and appreciation from parents and users. The responsive design ensured optimal functionality and user experience on mobile devices, allowing parents to conveniently access information, register their children, and stay informed on league activities. The revamped site also boasted a streamlined and easily modifiable navigation hierarchy, simplifying the search for specific content and reducing frustration.
Empowered Parents:
The impact of the transformation was profound, as parents expressed their delight with the improved website. Adam shared, “I’ve heard from parents who say it is a night and day difference from what we had before. The huge difference for most people is the fact that they can use it on their phones and iPads.” This shift toward mobile responsiveness empowered parents to engage with the league effortlessly, leveraging the convenience and accessibility offered by the revamped site.
Golden Valley Little League is an inspiring example of leveraging technology to enhance the user experience. Through the dedication of Adam Kristal and the league’s commitment to embracing a mobile-responsive template, the league created a more engaging, intuitive, and accessible online platform. Golden Valley Little League has set a new standard for excellence in youth sports website design and user experience by winning over parents with their revamped site.
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